The village school 1958
This photo was sent to me by Richard Gasson, who still lives in Blackham Back l-r: Frances Collins, Billy Rackow, Stephen Collins, Peter Butcher, John Hammond, Richard Gasson, Michael Tolhurst, Barbara Tester, Sally Harding, Michael Rackow Front l-r: Donkey unknown (one half possibly Stephen Harding), Trevor Butcher, Susan Harding, Susan Dawes, Caroline Racknow, Brenda Collins, Susan Lewin. Carole Butler (nee Brown) included this bunch of buccaneers (right) among a group of photos she sent to the site. And Mike Rakow found the three photos below in his mother’s album
Michael Collins and Rosemarie Rakow
Above, L-R: Stephen Collins, Billy Rakow, Richard Gasson, Stephen Harding, John Hammond, Michael Rakow Left, L-R (back): Barbara Tester, Michael Rakow, Billy Rakow, Michael Tolhurst L-R (front): Susan Dawes, Caroline Rakow
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