Thomas appears on the Blackham
Roll of Honour as T Gasson but for
much of his life he was known as
Tom Coomber. His early life
explains why and it reveals some
interesting facts about life a century
or so ago which I’m happy to record
here as it concerns my great
Richard Coomber
Thomas was born 21 May 1884, the
son of Elizabeth Gasson. It would
appear that Elizabeth could not
afford a doctor’s fees because
Thomas was born in East Grinstead
workhouse.* He was christened on
7 September 1884.
On Christmas Day 1884, Elizabeth
married Thomas Marshall Coomber
whose name suggests he was baby
Tom’s father or certainly agreed to
take the boy as his own.
The family moved to Willetts
Cottages in Blackham shortly after
where Thomas Marshall and
Elizabeth lived until their deaths in
By 1901 young Tom was lodging in
Tunbridge Wells where he was
working as a blacksmith.
He joined the Territorial Force on 9
April 1908 alongside the Collins
brothers and Bill Wickham. He is
number 366 and Capt Ludlow of
Beech Green signed his papers. By
now he was employed as a
blacksmith for Mr Floyd.
He married Annie Towes, born
Withyham 1889, on Christmas Day,
Army record says 1905, freeBMD
says 1907, still under the name of
Coomber. In 1911 the family now
used the name Gasson and lived at
the home of elderly bootmaker
William Mills.
As a reservist he was called up at
the outbreak of war and posted to
the 72nd Provisional Battalion,
Royal Sussex Regt. serving in the
In January 1916 the Military
Service Act was passed which led to
conscription. All British men were
liable for service but there was an
exemption for “time expired” men,
those who had served their time. It
appears that Thomas took advantage
of this and applied for his discharge
from the army.
And who can blame him. He left
the force on 8 April 1916 and found
a place at Pilbeams where he also
worked after the war.
The need for more and more men
led to the extension of this Act in
May 1916 when the exemption was
cancelled. Thomas was obliged to
re-enlist, this time under the name
of Gasson, as G31570 Royal Sussex
His later records do not exist. His
MIC shows he was transferred to
the Devon, then Hampshire
regiments, he served abroad.
The ROH states he was wounded.
No details are on record.
Thomas and Annie’s children’s
births are all recorded as Gasson:
Evelyn Philadelphia 1908, twins
William and Thomas F. 1910, John
1912, Charlie 1915, Reginald F.
1921, Stanley G 1924, Cecil N
1928 although at least one of them
reverted to Coomber later in life.
Thomas died, as Thomas G M
Coomber, in Ashurstwood on 13
January 1957, aged 73
*There is an interesting footnote to
this story in that Thomas’s mother,
Elizabeth (above), became the
unofficial midwife in Blackham and
was also the person who was called
on to lay out the dead. It is hard not
to speculate that her experience of
having to give birth in a workhouse
might have led to her decision to
help other women who perhaps
could ill-afford to call out the
Thomas George Marshall Gasson
Called up a second time after being ‘time-expired’
Thanks to Frank Wiltshire for this research